All stories are fiction. Any connection to actual people/places/events is purly coincidental. Please contact the webmaster before you copy anything off this webpage. If you see any of this material on a different site under a different name, please contact the webmaster.

Peace By the River, a Hanson Story Updated 06/20/98
This story first appeared on another website of mine that was hacked into and destroyed last August. Peace By the River won the grand prize in Camelot Music's Hanson story contest last summer. I do not know the Hansons in any way or have ever had any sort of contact with them. This story is based purly on my imagination. Please don't point out to me any little personal details about them that I have wrong, and please don't e-mail me telling of the wrong dates. This is a work of fiction.

Peace By the River, the Original Story Updated 06/20/98
This is my original concept for Peace by the River. It is similar to the Hanson story in some points, but very different in others.

Americana, a story of one life Not yet updated
"Americana" is based loosely around Bette Smith's A Tree Grows in Brooklyn It is about one life in a crowded city.

Perfect, a story about what we all want to become.....or is it? Not yet updated
Always wanted to be perfect? Nadia is, or so it seems.

Peter Pan meets the Little Red Hen Finished 06/19/98
My take on the classic Peter Pan story

I Don't Double Dutch Finished 06/19/98
I worte this after seeing Spike Lee's documentary on the four girls killed in a church bombing. It kinda makes you think.

Trinity, a story of love and loss Not yet updated
Julia's family is poorand her mother is dying. Her only hope is for Julia to sell herself - and to go on board a spaceship with a mission so long that it would not be coming back to Earth, or perhaps not until the end of the universe.

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In marching band? See what the SCHS Patriots are all about at my other site,
Sandy Creek Marching Patriots

Neat fact about me: Lovejoy, GA (mentioned in the Where's the Love Pop Up Video), is five miles from where I live (Fayetteville), 15 miles south of Atlanta. I've marched in Lovejoy's football stadium.

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